In french the following shows the order of pronouns occurring before the verb: Only one pronoun can be used from any given bracket.
[me, te, se, nous, vous], [le, la, les], [lui, leur], [y], [en] + VERBE.
In the imératif affirmatif (a positive command or request), the pronouns come after the verb in this order: VERBE + [le, la, les], [*moi (m'), *toi (t'), nous, vous, lui, leur], [y], [en].
* NOTE: When these pronouns (moi and toi) follow the verb (a l'impératif affimatif), moi and toi are used instead of me and te, except when they are followed by en.
In this audio example you will hear an example: Montre-moi tes photos! >> Montre-les-moi!